Thank you for visiting www.marieandspirit.uk.
Marie’s personal message to you:
”I understand that there are many reasons as to why you would be looking for a Medium or Psychic, perhaps it is to reconnect with your loved ones in the spirit world, or just needing some guidance as to what is coming up in the near future. All I can say is, that ”I will do my very best to help with your current situation,” my promise to you is “All that I am I will give to you, all that the spirit world gives to me, I will also give to you”.
May the path you walk on always be smooth and firm for you”.
Love and Light,
Blessings to you all.

I work full time as a Natural Medium, Psychic, Clairvoyant and Spiritual Tutor with over 25 years experience. I am also a Reiki Master Spiritual healer, Spiritual Teacher working with my guides and your loved ones the spirit world. I am based in Riseley, Bedford, UK.
My work has taken me to other countries such as Portugal, Dubai, Canada and Spain. I have appeared several times on a Málaga Ptv television show where I have been interviewed and also recorded a live show with the audience. I have also appeared in Mijas Theatre in Spain, working with other local Mediums to help look for a missing person.
I have appeared on an American Radio show ” Double Trouble” giving an interview followed by readings for the callers on the show, This was done through chat. I told them I did not need a question. This was very interesting as I could not see or hear the clients , I trusted my guides when their loved ones came through with the messages with the audience, The boss of the show was very impressed. I had to totally trust the messages would be understood, Paramaniaradio.com
I am very passionate when working with my guides and your loved ones, my clients come back regularly, my work has expanded greatly though my clients recommendations over the years. I continue to grow as I have dedicated my life to my work, this is my passion.

love and light, blessing to you all